How to Eat Your Own Cum

Yes, you read the title correctly. I’m going to discuss various ways that you can eat your own cum.

Maybe you’re a bona-fide semen connoisseur, or maybe you stumbled across this article, and thought, What a fascinating curiosity! Either way, let’s take a look at some ways to enjoy cum eating and cum drinking.

4 Cum Eating and Drinking Ideas

Sit back and prepare to be dazzled by these  suggestions for feasting on your very own variety of gourmet cock sauce.

Drink Cum from a Cup

By cup I mean any old receptacle of your choosing, be that a wine glass, a Dixie Cup or an ancient human skull. Just be sure to choose something with an ample capacity for your load because you don’t want to waste a single drop.

Have you always fantasized about cum drinking from a piece of fine English china? Well cancel your 4 o’clock because tea time is now.

Read: How to Produce More Cum

Lick Cum Off Yourself or Someone Else

This is absolutely the least freaky option on the list of ways to eat cum.

Even if you’ve never considered yourself to be a cum guzzler, you’ve likely ingested some of it accidentally while kissing or licking a partner post-blowjob. Who knows? This could have been the impetus for your present day semen fetish

The pros suggest aiming towards your mouth while you’re jacking it and see how close you can get to your target. If you fall short and it hits you in the chest, just grab a spatula and start scraping.

Read: Creative Cumshot Ideas

Shoot Cum through a Tube into Your Mouth

This is not nearly as cool as it sounds. They don’t actually sell specialized cum delivery tubes, although they totally should!

One cum eating website I visited suggested shooting your cum into a cardboard toilet paper tube, then drinking it directly from there.

This is where they lost me. Doesn’t a cup work far better for the purpose AND taste less like ass? If any of you have tried this technique and care to educate me on its merits, please do.

Bake It into a Pie

There are entire books out there dedicated to cooking with cum. I only suggested baking it into a pie because I haven’t actually read the book, and I thought that pie sounded like something one could infuse with a pinch of DNA. Custard, anyone?

If you’re interested in using cum as an ingredient in your next culinary masterpiece, check out the Natural Harvest Cookbook , or (if you’re ahead of the trend) leave us a recipe in the comments! You could become the next Masturbation Master Chef!

For more ideas on enjoying your cum fetish and ways to play, read:

7 Ways to Enjoy Your Cum Fetish

Do you like to eat your own cum? What’s your favorite method of cum tasting?

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