Tooth Fetish: Odontophilia & The Kink of Teeth

When many of us think of going to the dentist, we get a little feeling of anxiety in the pit of our stomach. All that gouging and drilling is definitely not something we look forward to. However, for some folks with tooth fetish, the thought of being laid out in the dentist’s chair is a huge turn on. Even watching someone else undergo a dental procedure gets their blood flowing, and it’s not something that’s generally talked about.

In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that not long ago I was at the dentist getting a cleaning when I found myself becoming surprisingly aroused by the pain in my gums. Obviously I didn’t say anything about it because I didn’t want to make my hygienist uncomfortable. But the experience piqued my interest, and got me researching some of the ways in which odontophiles get their needs met. Here are just a few of the things I came across.

4 Ways to Play with a Teeth Fetish

1. Kinky Biting

For some, there’s nothing hotter than taking a partner’s flesh between the teeth and making a nice, deep bite mark. Biting’s relation to vampirism and the vampire fetish could be partly to blame for its perceived sexiness, along with the notion that you are “branding” someone.

I also wonder if the gum pressure created by sinking one’s teeth into something just feels good? Like some prehistoric urge for fresh meat? I don’t really know, but I find the whole thing fascinating.

2. Tooth Licking Fetish

If you’re not really into biting, you could always try licking your partner’s teeth. Apparently the sensation of molars against the tongue is all it takes to get some tooth enthusiasts really worked up.

I’m sure there’s room for everyone, from those who prefer the minty freshness of recently brushed teeth to full on fuzz junkies.

Tooth positioning also seems to be an important factor in this practice, with some people preferring a perfectly aligned mouth while others are all about the overbite or dental crowding. (I would have been so desirable to odontophiles in my early twenties.)

3. A Kink for Braces

Believe it or not, there are adults out there who choose to embark on the painful journey of straightening their teeth. I bet if you looked hard enough you could find a lady who would grant you access to the sharp and shiny recesses of her mouth. Maybe you could offer to make her something hard to chew on, or an ice cold smoothie to soothe her fiery gums?

If it means getting to run your tongue over her oh so pointy brackets and taught-stretched wires, it’s totally worth it. Right?

4. Tooth Extraction Fetish

No need to book yourself in for unnecessary dental surgery, or lurk behind your girlfriend’s dentist as they do the deed. Instead, find yourself some footage of tooth extractions on YouTube.  As you’ll notice, there’s a whole library of dental-related videos there, so you’ll have plenty of material to choose from when you have a hankering for some yankering. (Yeah, sorry about that one.)

Read: Erotic Dentistry and Dental Torture.

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