How to Produce More Cum

If you and your partner enjoy kinky cum play, and are hunting for tips on how to turn your man’s load into a monsoon, look no further.

The answer to making more cum is simple… but may not the one you were hoping for.

How to Make More Cum

Let’s start with the easiest, most effective methods:


The longer you go without cumming, the bigger your load will be, plain and simple. If making more cum is that important to you, then practicing some orgasm denial and abstaining for a week should be no biggie. The results are extraordinary. Better still…


This practice throughout the discipline period will help build the brew. Go ahead, tease your cock — but do not cum! Every time you get close, slam the breaks. That’ll produce more cum and top up the reservoir for date night.

Read: Edging Tips for Kinky Couples

The other kind of fluids.

Cum isn’t the only tasty and refreshing drink: ever heard of water? That’s the secret ingredient to make fluids, in case you didn’t know.

Drink plenty of water, especially on Big-Load Date Night. And as fun as it may be to party it up before sex, alcohol and drugs are ruthless when it comes to dehydrating your insides. Just sayin’…


Exercising your prostate with male kegels helps two fold: it gives you the strength to avoid premature ejaculation, and the stimulation helps to manufacture cum. Win-win. Even better, massage your male g-spot just before — and during! — sex. You’ll notice the difference The Stinkie Pinkie makes!

And here’s a bit of what you just don’t wanna hear:

There are no magic cumbeans.

Sorry. I know, I know, you can read all over the internet about supplements and herbs and blahblahblah — but NONE have been proven to produce more cum. None, nada, zilch.

Plenty of online semen lovers will claim great victory with these natural “cum volume boosters” (my term, not theirs), but people also see the Virgin Mary in their toast. Eat a balanced diet and get plenty of sleep instead.

Porno loads.

Want to produce cumshots like the guys in porn? Then do what they do: temporary abstinence, edging, drink lots of water, and do your Kegel exercises.

Think about it: these guys get paid to shoot mondo loads — so they’re either doing the aforementioned work, or they were born lucky. (No one pays a porn star for measly loads.)

Once you’ve followed these ideas for making more cum, you’re ready for some kinky cum play.

Read: 7 Ways to Enjoy Your Cum Fetish

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