The Joys of Mutual Masturbation

Even in this current atmosphere of sexual openness, masturbation is something that not everyone is comfortable discussing. While I think it’s safe to say that most of us do it, there’s something awkward about admitting it, even to a partner. It’s such a private thing and can sometimes feel dirtier than sex, especially if you were raised in an environment that made you feel ashamed of your sexuality. I used to feel that way about it until I had a very intense and pleasurable experience involving mutual masturbation. It was so liberating that I now feel inspired to share with you the joys provided by this most intimate act.

It’s a Guaranteed Release
Long and luxurious fuck fests are great, we can all agree, but sometimes there just isn’t the opportunity or the time. Sometimes we need to cum, and leaving it up to chance isn’t an option. Enter masturbation. But instead of sneaking off to the bathroom with your great big bottle of lotion while she quietly touches herself under the sheets, try staying in bed and doing it together. Both of you will find your experience enhanced by the mounting pleasure of the other. You might even achieve simultaneous orgasm, which is always nice.

It’s a Learning Opportunity
Who knows more about how to get yourself off than you? Chances are you’ve been practicing the art of self-pleasuring long before any partner entered the scene, so why not give a demonstration that will help your lady understand what it takes to do it right? Remember, too that you will also be granted exclusive access to her most effective masturbatory techniques, so pay attention and use the knowledge that you gain to make her cum harder than ever the next time you get the chance.

It’s a Bonding Experience
Letting each other in on something as intimate as masturbation can be an opportunity to grow as a couple. It’s all about feeling vulnerable together and trusting the other enough to share in something private. There’s really no need to be embarrassed, especially when you realize that your partner probably has her own self-pleasing rituals. After I did it in front of my partner for the first time, I found myself fantasizing about him the next time I did it alone! In that regard it’s a great way to strengthen your connection.

It Can Be Enjoyed Over Long Distances
So you’re away on business, or in some other situation that keeps you separated from your partner for long periods of time. What do you do? Engage in phone sex, of course. Or better yet, enjoy some mutual masturbation over Skype. It’s not quite as powerful as doing it in the same room, but it’s still pretty effective in a pinch. If it’s something you already enjoy when you’re together, the experience will be all the hotter, so why wait until you’re apart?

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