Cigar Fetish: Why We Have a Cigar Smoking Kink

If the idea of women smoking a cigar turns you on, you’re in good company. For some, cigars and smoking have become a cigar fetish.

Indeed, in times past, the image of smoking was synonymous with sexy. This was blamed on tobacco companies for ad campaigns promising the rugged freedom-loving icon of the Marlboro Man, or touting the habit as a sign of women’s sexual liberation, or a healthy way for women to stay slender.

Famous Hollywood icons like Greta Garbo and Clark Gable were already immortalized as sex symbols, and cigarettes or cigars were part of that allure.

Read: Smoking Fetish: All About Capnolagnia

Cigar Fetish: The Kink of Cigar Smoking

Here are 3 more reasons why smoking kink exists, and the cigar fetish is alive and well.

1. Smoking is taboo.

Anything taboo is smoking hot. It’s just the way our psyches and the loins that connect to them operate.

Because smoking was long forbidden to women, something only men did, the wave of defiance in the jazz age as women chopped off their hair, went dancing, and smoked like chimneys was symbolic of rebellion. Seeing a woman light up was saucy and novel and the taboos being broken heated up the sex appeal.

Smoking later became so ubiquitous that it was near universal. Everyone smoked. Then a massive wave of health statistics began to roll in, and smoking became seen as disgusting and filthy.

Ironically, these health concerns turned smoking back into a taboo. So that brings us back to square one: smoking turns some of us on.

So what makes cigars so titillating?

2. Cigars are phallic.

All that Freudian analysis about oral fixations and penis envy is hard to shake.

A woman sucking on a cigarette or cigar is a simulation of oral sex. It involves one of the sexiest parts of a woman—her lips. It is suggestive, as her lips are moving and kissing and sucking at the phallic stand in.

While many women are turned on by imagery of the cowboy or outlaw, which often includes smoking, most fetishists are men. Not surprisingly, gay men also admire the outlaw figure and his cigar. Indeed, the male cigar smoking fetish is a bona fide subculture in the gay world, with cigar clubs and cigar-themed leather-night dance parties catering to this particular taste.

There are porn videos galore for both straight men and gay men that feature the objects of their affection teasing them out of their minds with lips, cigarettes, and cigars.

Read: 120+ Fetishes: The BIG List of Kinks

3. Cigar Smoking is part of BDSM culture.

Of course your average smoker doesn’t bring to mind anything about ropes or leather or thigh-high boots. But in fantasy, it does. Smoking is woven into our imaginations in iconic imagery and myth. Some of it is Hollywood, some of it is advertising, and some of it is built up around the cigar smoking kink and then becomes part of it.

There’s also the authoritarian allure to cigar mythology. Think of Cuban cigars—the whole of cigar culture, kinky or connoisseur—is woven into the Castro mythology. We see these larger than life revolutionary figures—full beards, swarthy, masculine—chomping on cigars. We picture their taste for the best and finest, their discriminating taste.

Whether it’s Rhett Butler or Fidel Castro, we associate cigar smoking with the scoundrel, the gentleman of ill repute, the man you don’t want to piss off. There are other images of dominant women too, like Madonna—even though Madonna is a staunch my-body-is-a-temple type and never smokes, the cigar is a recurring prop for her, from “Deeper and Deeper” to the more recent Madame X. (shown below)

BDSM Cigar Service

Cigar fetish is part of BDSM culture worldwide. For some folks, being a submissive means providing “cigar service.” This is the formal preparation and treatment of cigars and involves all kinds of paraphernalia like cigar cutters. You can even attend workshops on how to incorporate cigar service into your BDSM subbing and servitude.

Do you have a cigar fetish? What kind of cigar play do you enjoy?

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