Coulrophilia: The Clown Fetish is a Real Kink

I learned all about coulrophilia after my friend shared her kink for clowns.

“The guy I’m dating is a clown,” a bestie told me over drinks last weekend.

“Good thing there are plenty of fish in the sea,” I said, making eye contact with a hot bald man across the room. My thoughts had already drifted to whether or not he’d be into both of us, but I’m just dirty that way.

“No, he’s great,” she said. “I mean he’s really a clown. You know, wig, clown shoes, juggling.”

“Great work if you can get it,” I quipped, and took a swig from my bourbon sour.

“I’ve always had a thing for clowns,” she said. “I never said so because it didn’t seem cool.”

“What do you mean, ‘thing’?” I asked. We’ve hooked up with men together, mostly in BDSM and role playing and dress up stuff. But this is the first I’m hearing about it.

“A thing. You know. They turn me on. I can’t describe it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you had a clown kink? I would have been happy to play circus!”

I thought right away of the rainbow polka-dot stockings in my closet that I’d never worn. With a cute little pointed party hat and a pink bustier…

Read: Clothing Fetish: Fabric, Clothing, and Costume Kinks

Coulrophilia costume of tutu and stockings.

“I don’t know,” she said. “Clowns seem a little festive for the dungeon.”

“No, not always,” I replied. I think about the recent spate of strange sightings in Carolina, creepy clowns trying to lure people into the woods. I had wondered whether it was some kind of game, or guerrilla advertising. But now I wonder if it’s something else altogether. “They’re not just comic. They’re also terrifying. You know those movies. And those creepy clowns in the woods.” I think about John Wayne Gacy, the killer clown, but wisely don’t say so out loud.

But she just gives me a sly look with that sultry half smile of hers. “Oh, I know,” she says. “They’re terrifying.”

Read: The BIG List of Kinks: 120+ Fetishes Explained

What is a Clown Fetish?

After diving into the world of clown kink online, I learn that coulrophilia is when people are sexually turned on by clowns. It’s not an official thing but anecdotal to many more people than just my gal pal.

Coulrophilia a fetish for the exact reasons Nicole mentioned—clowns are playful, and they’re terrifying.

Some kinky folk are aroused by the uninhibited silly play, and others because the clown mask parallels their nightmares. Sometimes, it’s the combination.

All aspects of the clown can be titillation triggers. For some, it’s honking the nose. For others, blowing up balloons is a rubber thrill.

Read: Balloon Fetish for Looners

Some people with Coulrophilia also have a Balloon Fetish

Some people with clown fetish sway into the wet and messy (WAM) or BDSM categories because the kick is actually the pie in the face. You can even hire a clown to pie you or your party guests, “consenting adult guests only.”

There are a few stories online sharing penchants for Bozo, Pogo, and Krusty the Clown. And apparently, the sex underground is crawling with clowns.

There is also a huge volume of clown porn, featuring all kinds of men, women and transgender folks. Just Google “clown porn” and you’ll never leave the house.

I can’t help teasing Nicole about this recent revelation, and that’s only okay because we’re old friends and we’ve seen each other naked.

So when she texted to ask if I was free this weekend to hook up with her and some guys, I texted back, “You bet. Send in the clowns.”

Read: 17 Transformation Fetishes and Kinks

Do you have a clown fetish? What makes coulrophilia kinky for you?

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