Do you have a hand fetish and want to know more? Looking for ways to play with your hand kink?
Foot fetishism is quite possibly the most common kink. But hand partialism (sexual interest with an exclusive focus on a specific part of the body other than the genitals) is one of the least common.
Hand kink is so seldom mentioned that most of us have never heard the word “cheirophilia” or “quirophilia.”
What is a Hand Fetish?
Hand fetish is the sexual attraction to hands, or sexual arousal from hands, is seldom reported as a kink. Hand fetish porn exists, but it’s a niche category to be sure.
On the other hand, pardon the pun, a large number of people report “nice hands” as being important in a partner, or at least, of interest.
The Quiet Attraction to Hands
Women instinctively spend a great deal of time and money on manicures and hand beauty at salons. Clearly we understand that hand care is at least “part of the package” aesthetically when it comes to sexual attraction. Men are increasingly getting professional hand care too, as well as general grooming for business and dating.
And many cultures have art forms, such as the flamenco dance, and the yoga mudras, where a huge part of the sensuality and beauty comes from hand movements.
Perhaps hands are simply assumed as “being there” during dating and sex, so they are rarely brought up as a fetish. Or maybe they are seen as one of many factors in excitement, so aren’t given the kind of primacy of something like leather or Japanese ropes, which wouldn’t show up unless arranged for.
But there are people out there with a bonafide hand fetish. To meet other people who share a hand kink, or would love to indulge you, see our favorite sites for hand fetish dating:
Best Fetish Dating Sites For Every Kink

Why Do People have a Hand Kink?
For those with a hand kink or fetish, as with other kinks the allure can be quite generalized or extremely specific. It all depends on the individual.
For many, it’s hands in general, the variety of shapes and sizes. For others, there are crucial details that mean rejecting a set of hands in favor of another.
Hand fetishists sometimes look for veins and collect images of naked, veiny hands. Others look for what most of us don’t even notice—the size and shape of the nail bed or nail moons, talon-like nails or bitten and raggedy, fingers covered in rings or completely nude.
Read: Kinky Claws: Long Nails Fetish
The good news for hand lovers is that most sex is hands on to one degree or another. And if you’ve ever wondered why a particular date always seemed to prefer a handjob to a blowjob, maybe you have your answer!

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Hand Fetish
1. Give or Receive a Sensual Massage
A deep, sensual massage is a pleasure for anyone, but if you or she has a hand kink, feeling them on every part of the body can send a person into overdrive. Experiment with all kinds of sensations and strokes—breezy fingertip touches, scalp massage, palms pushing flat, squeezing.
Read: How to Give a Sexy Massage
2. Dress Up and Role Play
If her hand is the most sensual part of her body as far as you’re concerned, gift her a pair of old-fashioned ladies’ gloves, a steamy pair of red leather ones, or a Victorian fur muff to keep them hidden and cozy during a wintery walk through the woods.
Anything that covers her hands and comes off later is perfect for hand fetish play.
3. Expand Your Handjob Horizons
If handjobs and finger banging are foreplay for other lovers, make them the main course if the hand’s the thing.
Why not? It’s incredibly safe sex, and underrated as far as I’m concerned.
Hand fetish sex is versatile—there is unlimited dexterity and sensations that can be evoked with ten fingers, like playing a musical instrument.
The pressure and intensity is variable. There can be sweet petting or deep penetration of many orifices, from mouth to vagina to anus. Many women are more open to the cum shot in their hand as well, when they are not so stoked about a pearl necklace.
Read: 6 Ways to Make Handjobs Kinky and How to Finger a Woman the Right Way.
Enjoy strumming each other into oblivion!
Do you have a hand kink? What makes a hand give you that extra thrill?
Tell us what you think