Menstruation Fetish: The Allure of Period Sex

What is the menstruation fetish all about? Why are some men turned on by menstrual blood and period sex?

Many couples avoid sex during menstruation, because he is turned off or because she feels bloated and bitchy and doesn’t want to be touched. Many more do it anyway, because it’s still better than going without sex.

Some couples use their imagination and avoid vaginal penetration but play kinky games or mutually masturbate. One friend confessed, “I love that time of the month. That time of the month is blow job time, when my girlfriend sucks me off from start to finish because the option to fuck isn’t there.”

And then there’s a few of you who have “a thing” for period blood, or a menstruation fetish.

If you aren’t one of those folks, you may wonder why in the world menstruation is a kinky turn on. While you understand that it’s a natural part of life, that doesn’t mean you want to make like a vampire or get your dick bloody. But some do.

I asked men with menophilia what it is that drives them. Some menstrual fetishists responded.

5 Guys Explain Their Menstruation Fetish

The Taboo of Period Sex

“Period kink is transgressive. Even the most ardent fetishists and kinksters—folks who wear diapers or get turned on by vomiting—steer clear of a menstruating woman. There’s something in me that is drawn to what is off limits. The fact that most women push dudes away at this time means I want in even more.” – Darko, 25

The Menstrual Blood

“I’m turned on by blood, and I couldn’t tell you why. The bright red color, the dark maroon-brown, the coppery and gamey smell of it. I’m not into blood sports and cutting, but I am into blood and have a menstruation fetish.

Menstrual blood seems to be the perfect gift—she generates it monthly, she isn’t harmed in the process, and she isn’t risking anything to bleed for me. Nothing makes my dick as hard as it gets when I see a red river streaming out of her and down her thighs.” – Michael, 34

menstruation fetish

The Menstruation Mystery

“It’s part of a larger picture for me. It’s all about her mysterious moods, how the whole month is like sex in a way, her pushing me away with her temperament and not wanting to be touched, then her wanting it so bad when her hormones shift with the moon.

Menstruation is her emptying out. Her body is oceanic, her breasts huge and generous, and then after she’s back to the start of it all. The period is richly symbolic of her cyclic changing. When we’re having period sex and I’m part of it, I feel like I’m entering a temple.” – Cody, 29

The Animal Attraction

“I love the smell of pussy and the taste of it and the sweat. When she’s bleeding, the smell is strongest. Her blood is the strongest fluid she offers and it’s like the sex all month is foreplay until I get to fuck her while she’s on her period—that’s when I feel like a wolf or a bull, a total animal.” – Faisal, 35

The Primordial Cosmic Element

“It’s like time travel because you know this is the process of creation. It’s the soup from which we are all attracted, the fetus wants to rest in these fluids and be nourished by them, and we were all that once. It’s disposed of as a natural life cycle, but maybe I never lost that pull.

I feel really connected to the primordial through period sex with a woman who is menstruating. It feels deeper and more intimate. It feels like its moving past the niceties of vanilla sex, and even past the symbolism of kink and fetish, right to the heart of the meaning of sex. It probably sounds dumb, but that’s the best way I can explain.” – James, 47

Want to know more about period blood kink and the menstruation fetish? Read our article: Menophilia: The Period Blood Fetish

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