Doggy Style Sex Dos and Don’ts

With every kink, there is a real to-each-their-own way of doing things. But when it comes to the doggy style sex position there are some popular dos and don’ts that many women subscribe to. How do I know? I talk a lot about sex with my gal pals and in sex forums.

If you’re open and confident when talking about sex, you learn a lot! Not just about other people and their preferences, but also about yourself. It’s funny to think that I was very shy about sex talk when I was younger. At a certain age you just don’t give a fuck, about talking about fucking.

So let me impart some doggy style sex dos and don’ts that hold true for many women. If you can’t relate or don’t agree, that’s cool. At Kink Lovers, we welcome our readers thoughts, stories, and perspectives, either in the comments or in our Kinky Confessions series.

Doggy Style Sex Position Tips

DO Make Sure It’s a Position You Both Love (or at least like)

It may be my fave position, but is it your lover’s? There’s a lot to love about this position—deep penetration, her being able to slide back and forth on your shaft, and the animalistic nature of it. But that doesn’t mean she wants any of those things today or ever. She may only enjoy it once in a blue moon, or she may demand it every day! Talk about it to find out her position on the position.

DON’T Put Her in Doggy Position

Because this is not the most intimate of sex positions, it can really put a woman off to be manhandled into it. Letting her get into it on her own, or suggesting it, is often more enjoyable than being grabbed by the hips and put there. If she likes you dominating her in a way that is consensual, then that’s different.

Read: Why Doggie Style is Perfect for Kinky Sex

DO Make Sure She’s Comfortable

This isn’t a back alley move, but something you want to do where her knees and palms are on a soft surface. The edge of the bed is perfect or even on some grass if you love sex outdoors. You’ll also want to take into consideration if you are standing or kneeling yourself—height differentials matter!

DON’T Slap Her on the Ass

This porny move must be avoided at all times, unless she asks for it. Men have seen the butt slap so much in porn that they think it must be something women like. I find it degrading. I’ve never gone out with a guy again who has tried this, so that tells you how much of a turn off it is. Spanking can be super hot in a different context, but in this position it’s better to hold back or ask.

DO Change Sex Positions

Because doggy can go deep, it’s a great finishing position. But it doesn’t have to be. A lot of women want the visual of seeing you come, believe it or not. Or they want a face-to-face experience once you’ve had a few dips from behind. Don’t be shy to mix it up with different positions before or after doggy to keep things interesting.

Read: 4 Ways to Make the Missionary Position Kinky

DON’T Stay Silent

Because there is a lack of connection in doggy, it’s important for most women to have some kind of communication. It may be just your moaning and groaning to tell her how much you love the feel of plunging into her from behind. She may also enjoy some dirty talk or just an honest expression of what you are feeling. Dirty talk is for lovers who know one another to a certain degree, so don’t call your hookup a “dirty whore” the first time you go at it.

What’s your favorite DO or DON’T for doggy-style sex? Please share in the comments.

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