First Orgy? Tips for Your First Time

Are you about to embark on your first orgy? If so, let me share with you some orgy tips and etiquette for beginners.

One might imagine an orgy as a place where the strictures and confinements of polite society slip away, and people are free to behave as they please. Unfortunately there just aren’t any social situations in this world that can exist without some kind of contract.

So too it is with orgies.

Still haven’t found your orgy? Be sure to read:

Where and How to Find a Local Orgy

First Time Orgy Tips

1. Consent is Key

You might think you can go and grope anyone you like, and that cocks and vaginas will be flying every which way all at once. But, again, no!

In all seriousness, there are big orgy rules concerning consent, and making sure that people only go as far as they are comfortable going at any given moment. It’s important for people to shift their own goalposts when they like. Nobody can shift your goalposts for you.

Read: Implied Consent or Expressed Consent?

2. Read Social Cues

Once you find an orgy, it’s possible to have a nice time, but you also have to read the situation. It isn’t just a buffet for men to come in and load their plate with whatever they like. This is often the reason that it is preferred that men come with a date, rather than alone.

There has to be a balance between being social and being anti-social in exactly the right measure.

Yes, a person shouldn’t go around just inserting himself into whatever situation he likes, without determining that he has the proper consent to do so. However, a fellow who keeps to himself, who doesn’t do too much talking and hangs along the walls and in the dark corners, will also be considered a weird perv.

You have to strike the right balance of charming and mindful if you want to maximize your experience. Reading social cues is a must.

Read: Sex Party Tips and Etiquette

3. Consider a Sex Club

It would be good to have your first time orgy with somebody who has been at it a while and knows how to read the situation, as well as body language.

Sex clubs are a good place to start as they will have a firm set of clear rules that must be followed, unlike the ambiguity that can happen at an individual host’s orgy or sex party.

4. Have Fun but Respect Boundaries

The main thing is to have fun and to discover what your possibilities are, sexually speaking. In order to do this, you have to keep in mind that other people are exploring their possibilities, and they need the space and comfort to do that in their way.

If you step on some toes, it’s not the absolute end. There will always be sensitive folks who aren’t ready for the orgy environment. Those people need to stay home and jerk off.

Read: Group Sex Tips for Your First Time

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