12 Belly Fetishes and Stomach Kinks

You may have never heard the word “alvinolagnia” which is a more technical word for belly fetish, stomach fetish, navel fetish, or belly kink.

Attraction to and arousal from the stomach is quite common. The belly is considered by many a beautiful body part. Many performers know the power of midriff baring tops and belly dancing in the Middle East is sensual dance that focuses on movements from the belly.

Many avowed “breast men” or “butt guys” (and bi or lesbian women) also love a woman’s belly, and many women, and men who appreciate men, adore guys’ bellies and navels, and not just the “six pack” but the whole range of bodies.

That said, there are folks who have such a strong attraction to this part of the body that they consider their belly love a stomach fetish.

What Is a Belly Fetish?

A belly fetish is a powerful sexual attraction to the belly or stomach, or to a particular part of the belly such as the navel. It can also be a specific type of belly, or an action related to the belly.

There are a number of belly fetishes and related kinks. Some people with stomach fetishes have one thing they strongly prefer, and others have several stomach kinks.

Some fetishists enjoy different kinds of belly play while others are only interested in a specific style of belly play or a specific belly fetish aesthetic. For example, a belly fetishist may have a very strong preference for a tanned midriff, chubby belly rolls spilling over jeans, an outie belly button, or a pierced navel.

12 Belly Fetishes and Related Kinks

1. Belly Button Fetish

Belly button fetishism is quite common. Sometimes called the navel fetish, or alvinophilia, the belly button is often hidden, so seeing it can be quite titillating. It is also an orifice, and quite close to the genitalia.

Some people have very sensitive navels and the sensation is pure pleasure. We have many nerve endings in our belly buttons and they can connect to larger nerve networks. Madonna famously claimed that she could almost orgasm from touching her belly button.

Read: Belly Button Fetish: Why Belly Buttons are Hot

Belly button fetishists may be voyeurs watching for belly button sightings on the street, at the dance bar, or the beach. They may love watching someone touch their own navel. They may be most drawn to a particular kind of belly button—innie, outie, large, shallow.

Belly fetishists may want to lick the navel or rub their cock head in the navel opening. If you have a navel fetish, you can “fuck” a willing partner’s belly button, but only gently. The navel is not deep, and it is very sensitive!

Belly button fetish.

2. Belly Button Piercing Play

Some with the belly button fetish have a specific attraction to belly button piercings. Adornment of course draws attention to the belly button and can feel like a secret, making it very attractive.

Sometimes, a navel fetish involves a kink for piercing the belly button. The act of the needle threading through is an act of penetration. Needle play kinks sometimes involve the flesh of the stomach or belly button.

Read: BDSM Needle Play and Play Piercing

3. Pregnant Belly Fetish

Some people with a stomach fetish or with a pregnancy fetish have a kink for the pregnant belly. The big, round, fecund belly of a pregnant woman can be very attractive.

Read: Pregnancy Fetish: Kinky for Men AND Women

Sexy woman with pregnant belly lying on couch.

4. Belly Tickle Fetish

The tickling sensation is powerful and mysterious. It is both torturous and pleasurable. People jerk around without being able to control their response. All of these things, and the associated moans and squeaks, can be exciting to someone with a tickling fetish.

Read: 4 Tickle Torture Tips for Kinky Couples

Stomach tickling can be a specific belly fetish or a particular tickle fetish. Some people get very aroused by tickling another person’s belly, or by being tickled on their stomachs.

5. Stomach Growling Fetish

It is commonly reported that some people experience sexual excitement when they hear a stomach growling. The rumble or groan of a belly, often called stomach growling, is the source of arousal. They may or may not be attracted to the visual or tactile aesthetic of the belly, but the growl itself is arousing.

Woman with exposed belly lying on couch with male partner.

6. Feederism

Feederism can be part of fat fetishism or BBW love, part of BDSM, related to a belly fetish, or all of the above. Feederism is when someone is turned on by feeding an overweight person.

The planning of meals, the spread of the food, watching the eating, and seeing the weight gain in the belly and the rest of the body can be sexually exciting for the feeder or the eater.

Read: Feederism Fetish Explained

7. BBW Belly Play

While many of us look for washboard abs, others love the abundance of a large belly. The softness of the BBW tummy is a belly fetish all on its own. BBW belly lovers enjoy mushing, touching, massaging, and licking the belly flesh.

Read: BBW Sex Dating Tips for Men

Overweight Woman Eating Banana

8. Gut Flopping Fetish

Some BBW belly play includes gut flopping, which is when a BBW uses her belly and its force to “flop” against a face, cock, buttocks, or other body part.

She might smother a submissive by flopping her belly against his face. This is a very specific belly fetish that may be linked to femdom, humiliation, goddess worship or BBW love.

Read: BBW Fetish: Glossary of BBW Kinks

9. Belly Inflation Fetish

For some people with a belly kink, the idea of belly inflation is exciting. This can be done with balloons under clothing, but some people drink large quantities of water or consume inflammatory foods (or lots of food in the case of belly stuffing) to bloat their bellies.

There are practices of inflating the belly with air or liquid through anal tubes, but this can be very dangerous.

Read: Belly Inflation and Expansion Fetishes

Woman with caressing partner's belly.

10. Belly Punching Fetish (Gastergastrizophilia)

Some people want to be punched in the stomach, or are aroused by punching others in the belly.

Like other kinds of sadomasochism, the pain can release adrenaline and endorphins that stimulate arousal. Obviously this can be very dangerous as well because the stomach houses many fragile organs.

Read: Impact Play Tips, Tools, and Safety

11. Stomach Ache Fetish

One belly fetish that perplexes those who have it, judging from the anecdotal literature found online, is the stomach ache kink. With this belly kink, people find themselves getting aroused when someone has a stomach ache, overeats, rubs their stomach, or complains about stomach pains.

Many people note feeling confused by this belly fetish because they may not be into pain, into inflicting pain, or into humiliation, but feel arousal around stomach aches.

If you have a stomach ache fetish, you’re not alone. There are lots of lit erotica and porn stories about someone who has a bellyache, with thousands of readers and viewers.

12. Treasure Trail Kink

Some people are wildly turned on by the happy trail or the treasure trail—the line of hair running up from a man’s pubic hair to his navel. Many women have this trail too. It can be quite noticeable, or very soft and pale, depending on genetics.

Read: The BIG List of Kinks: 120+ Fetishes Explained

What’s your belly fetish? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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