“I’m a woman with a pregnancy fetish, a kink I’ve had for a long time, and it has many layers to it. Just being full and swelled up is what turns me on, not the baby itself. Lactation has also been a kink of mine. My boyfriend and I tease about me being pregnant, so he’ll rub my stomach and it turns me on more than anything else. Are there other people out there like me?”
Yes, yes, and yes!
Pregnancy kinks are common, and pregnancy fetish is experienced by all genders in many ways.
Why Women Have Pregnancy Fetishes & Kinks
Pregnancy, and all the physical changes, moody hormones, and health indignities that go with it may seem at odds with sexy, but looking more carefully—it all makes perfect sense.
Pregnancy, after all, is the ultimate fulfillment of why we naturally have a sex drive in the first place. Even if we use five forms of contraception to prevent it, the reason we want sex in the first place is the biological need to reproduce. It’s why animals do it, plants do it, and why we do it.
Even if baby making is the furthest thing from your mind, deep inside the body, that’s the outcome the urge is striving for. So it isn’t even a little strange that lots of guys get hard just thinking about breasts filling with milk or bellies filling with babies. It’s even more normal for a female to get profoundly aroused by the thought of getting knocked up, swelling up, or lactating.
The hormones involved in sex are some of the same hormones women experience while pregnant.
The extra-exaggerated sex characteristics like fuller breasts, widening hips, and extra blood flow to the face, lips, and vulva heighten the idea of femininity or sex for both men and women with pregnancy fetish.
Read: Pregnancy Fetish: Kinky for Men AND Women
This urge is so strong that we spend an awful lot of time on PREVENTING the inevitable outcome of sex. It’s so strong that it persists even when a man or a woman or both are not fertile, and even when a woman is past the age of getting pregnant.
Imprinting is one of the reasons we have specific kinks and fetishes. It is one reason why some people have such unique, individual kinks, and also explains the most popular fetishes. Imprinting just means that our mind is imprinted with sex and arousal when we experience those things in relation to something present when we do.
For example, an adolescent boy who experienced his normal sexual awakening when pantyhose were common fashion—his teacher’s or mother’s legs—might always find nylons arousing in and of themselves. Now that yoga pants and leggings are more common, they are their own subject in porn and a kink. If an experience was less common, it will be a more unique fetish. It could be the smell of a car that is forever arousing, or a hoodie or glasses.
Pregnancy has an eternal and obvious connection to sex, so in addition to the biological aspects, imprinting takes place on top of that. We imagine being pregnant or see pregnant women, and it becomes part of our experience of sex.
The taboo is perhaps the reason why pregnancy fetish and all that goes with it, such as nursing, are so damn hot. At one time, we had fifteen babies, but now our culture values other aspects of women’s lives. Since we don’t see groups of topless women nursing and carrying several babies all the time, the relative rarity or the fear of getting pregnant contribute to the excitement too.
These are just a few of the reasons why pregnant women are so sexy, and the pregnancy fetish is so common, with so many layers. Enjoy it!
Looking for inspiration? See How to Indulge Your Pregnancy Kink.
Kinky Confessions is a regular post on Kink Lovers. We want readers to share their tantalizing tales of kink, fetish, and fantasy. SUBMIT YOUR STORY HERE! These stories don’t have to be real—they can be fiction that you’d like turned into reality.
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