How to Make a Homemade Pocket Pussy

Are you tired of using your hand to get off solo? Find out how to make a pocket pussy!

What Is a Pocket Pussy

A homemade pocket pussy is something you can use as a vagina for stimulation when masturbating.

There are many makes of artificial vaginas on the market such as the ubiquitous Fleshlight. But not everyone has the money, wants to walk into a sex shop, or wants an official sex toy lying around their home. The good news is that you can make a pocket pussy that’s just as good.

I’m old enough to remember when these store-bought pussy replicas didn’t even exist! But that’s not to say that men haven’t always been creative in making their own pussies for pleasure when the real thing isn’t available.

Making your own personalized pocket pussy can be a solo endeavor or one you explore with your lover, which is what I did while writing this. I wanted to test-drive a few homemade pocket pussies to be able to share the experience and value they provided. It was a lot of fun!

Read: Tips for Masturbating in Front of Her

7 DIY Pocket Pussy Ideas

1. Glove & Towel Pocket Pussy

This pocket pussy is for people who don’t want to have to go to the store, but to use what’s lying around the house.

You’ll fold a hand towel or large face cloth around a glove with the wrist part hanging out, then wrap the rolled or folded towel with tape or elastic bands. Make note of the type of glove you are using, as some of you may be allergic to latex or other materials.

For many homemade pocket pussies, you’ll want to use lube. Once it’s rolled, you fold the cuff of the glove over the outer roll of the towel. Squirt lube into the glove beforehand for easy gliding.

2. Condom Pocket Pussy

This may be the quickest pocket pussy you’ll find… in your bathroom cabinet or back pocket!

When brainstorming ideas with my lover, he brought up the condom pocket pussy idea up right away. I was like “really?!” Because most guys hate wearing condoms, right?

While he’d never heard the term “pocket pussy,” he shared this was an old school thing men have used for masturbation forever. Learn something new every day!

You may not like wearing one inside your lover (please do!) but for solo masturbation it can feel pretty good. Slather the lube inside and out, and go to town. It gives a single layer between your cock and hand that can help with the disconnect while fantasizing, especially if you keep your eyes closed.

Read: Ways to Make Masturbation Kinky

3. Tomato Pocket Pussy

This pocket pussy idea is one I have introduced to a few men, and have yet to see on any DIY lists out there. It makes the grade because it’s a couples activity! For women who love giving kinky handjobs or just aren’t up for penetrative sex, this is a creative substitute.

Core out a large tomato, 1-2 fingers wide, right through. Place in the microwave for about 10-20 seconds.

I recommend that you place a towel under you on the bed, as this pocket pussy gets messy, in the best possible way. You lie back while your lover holds the tomato like a baseball and slides it up and down your hard cock. It will feel warm and juicy like a vagina.

Bring the salt shaker because when it falls apart, she can lick and eat what’s left of your homemade pocket pussy!

Read: Tips for Mutual Masturbation

4. Cushion Coochie

Lots of young men start out pushing their cocks between their mattress and a pillow held down with one hand. This may be the next step beyond that.

If you have a couch with tight back cushions, you can kneel on the sofa and use that tight space for pumping into. First, fill a freezer bag with Vaseline or your fave lube, then hold the bag around your cock while sliding in and out of the cushion crevice. Clean, cheap, and easy!

Read: Tips to Spice Up Your Masturbation

5. Pool Noodle Pocket Pussy

Find a pool noodle from your shed and cut a length to fit your cock. Then cut it length wise. You can fit a rubber glove in one side before joining the two sides back together with strong tape. Similar to the towel and glove pussy pocket, you fold the glove cuff back over the edge of the noodle.

You may need to shave out some of the foam noodle, depending on the girth of your hard cock, so that it will provide a desired friction. Some techniques even suggest scraping wiggle lines into the foam to push gummy worms into for a more tactile experience! Points for creativity!

6. Chip Can Cum Collector

This is also a popular homemade pussy pocket because it’s easy to fashion with what you may already have on hand. If you love a good can of Pringles, you’re halfway there.

What you need: empty Pringles can, grocery bags, soft sponges, Vaseline, elastics, gloves.

No one can explain how to make this pussy pocket better than the great Steebee Weebee. If you are an aficionado of comedian podcasts, you already know who he is. If not, enjoy his instructions for the DIY Pringles Fleshlight, then check out his pod.

7. Zucchini Zapper

Many DIY pussy pocket enthusiasts want to use organic materials, and what’s more organic than a vegetable from the local farmer’s market or your own garden.

This can also be made from a cucumber, but I prefer zucchinis because you can grow them to your desired size (they will grow as big as baseball bats if you let them!) And they’re insides are firmer and won’t fall apart or disintegrate from friction as quickly.

Cut the tip of your fairly straight zuke or cuke off, before slicing lengthwise. Scrape out desire amount from each side. I like using a melon ball scooper for this. If you want a condom inside the vegetable, lay it inside now with the open end outside the cut end of the two halves.

Join two halves, wrap in elastics, then wrap in duct tape. Remember, test fit before finishing with wrapping. Drip lube inside condom or over cock before sliding yourself in.

Read: Tips to Spice Up Your Masturbation

What homemade pocket pussy do your recommend making? Please share!

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