Water Bondage and Water Breath Play

Water bondage adds a new element to BDSM breath play and drowning kinks.

I know that back in the middle ages, dunking women was the way witches were exposed, although the witch usually died before she had a chance to explain her black magic practices.

Waterboarding has been described in the media, and by military experts, as more like torture than sexual fun, but who am I to judge what turns people on?

Some of the most advanced and crazy breath play is done by people who incorporate water into their BDSM games.

What is Water Bondage?

Water bondage is a type of BDSM play involving breath play, bondage, and of course, water. It may involve using a water tank in which a person is dunked while tied up, or spraying or dumping water on someone in bondage.

Man caressing wet woman after water bondage session.

BDSM Water Bondage and Breath Play

The deprivation of air is certainly a big part of kinky sex. Whether it’s a bit of choking during a good old headboard-cracking fuck, or getting into body bags and vacuum beds, the feeling that you can’t breathe, of being close to death and orgasm simultaneously, is incredibly powerful.

Read: BDSM Breath Play Basics

Water adds an extra element to this, a powerful and ancient element. It’s not the same as air. When a human being is in water, no matter how deep, the possibility of death is there. They say a person can drown in a teacup. They say you can have great orgasms in the tub!

I saw an amazing water bondage video the other day. These two naked women, lovely lithe ladies, were locked together in a small box with a glass front. The women were squashed in together, straddling each other to make space.

Read: Bondage Positions and Techniques to Try

A man, in the requisite leather mask, took a hose and began to slowly fill the box with water. When the box got up to the women’s necks they began to panic, and when it got to their chins they began to scream.

The object was to fill the box with enough water that only one of the women at a time was able to breathe. A devilish form of predicament bondage!

Read: Bondage Ideas and Types of Bondage Play

The top was locked, and the women struggled over each other, pushing their faces up to the surface to grab breaths before being pulled down by the other in a panic. Occasionally, the man would come by and pinch one of their noses, to make the water bondage even worse for a moment.

couple in water of shower.

These women signed up for BDSM water play because it turned them on to suffer that much. In other scenes, they were bound up, suspended upside down and dunked like witches. Although I assume that the filmmakers had some kind of precautions on hand, the possibility that a person could die were very real.

If you try this kind of water breath play at home, death could easily occur—just saying. However, indulging your drowning kink also might be incredibly hot. Whatever you decide, be safe and follow safety precautions for any water bondage play.

Read: Can Solo Breath Play Be Safe?

Have you tried any form of water bondage? Do you add water pay to your BDSM?

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