
What Is Autogynephilia?

The word autogynephilia means “love of self as woman,” and refers to the sexual fetish of some males who are turned on by the idea of themselves as a woman.

Many men are so aroused by women that they want to be immersed inside of one. That is, arguably, what heterosexual sex is, after all.

Some of those men also love the idea of disappearing as they totally become her, or of being surrounded by her, or of entering into her body completely in an almost metaphysical way.

Read: Supernatural Fetishes and Fantasies

While this term was coined in 1989, the concept of autogynephilia is much older. It shows up in a diverse range of cultural expressions, including crossdressing, slasher horror movies, hentai animation, folklore and shamanism, and more.

Why Is Autogynephilia Controversial?

Sexologist and researcher Ray Blanchard, best known for studying autogynephilia, was well-respected in his field for years. However, with the wave of activism for transgender rights, his history of ideas—for some men becoming a woman is a sexual fetish rather than a fulfillment of gender dysphoria—has become controversial.

Is the Idea of Autogynephilia Transphobic?

Though his work has always acknowledged dual (or multiple really) motivations for trans-sexuality, some transgender activists see it as transphobia to suggest that some transgender people have a sexual fetish rather than an identity of a female brain in a male body. They view this as dismissing or erasing transgender truth, or as pathologizing their identities.

On the other hand, some transgender activists want more research and information on autogynephilia, because they do not want to identify with or be lumped together with cis-hetero men who have a sex fetish.

Read: Opposite Gender Fantasy: Becoming a Woman

The related phenomena are not the same, in their view, and treating them as a whole reflects on their rights movement negatively. Their medical needs are not a sexual kink, but to deny that some are piggybacking on their movement to get their jollies is naïve.

Autogynephilia: Kink Shaming and Men’s Rights

Still others want acknowledgement for men with autogynephilia to avoid psychological confusion and unnecessary, painful surgical interventions. The problem is with kink shaming men with a relatively common and standard fetish that can be extreme but is usually mild.

Pathologizing men with autogynephilia and coercing them into harmful and long-lasting medical procedures or drugs is considered problematic.

Read: All About Kink Shaming and Why It’s Not Okay

Autogynephila: TERF Wars

Some feminist and lesbian people, occasionally denounced as trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs), feel that autogynephilia and sometimes non-autogynephile transgederism tread on women’s rights and safety and objectify or stereotype femininity to a frivolous, and perverted, aesthetic. They feel it is misogynist.

One example is the work of self-acknowledged autogynephile and transgender Pulitzer prize winning writer, who said transitioning was about “distilling the femaleness to its barest essentials—an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes sissy porn did make me trans…”

Exploring Autogynephilia

Perhaps the best—or only way—through the controversies of autogynephilia, human rights, and gender identity is to live our truth while letting others live theirs, recognizing that research into transgenderism and also into kink and fetishes are in their infancy. We are just starting to figure this stuff out.

Whatever you want to call it, autogynephilia is a real fetish for many man, manifesting from quite moderate and widespread tastes that almost every male has (rubbing satin panties on your dick, wanting to be inside of her) to extreme body modification pursuits.

Read on for different ways to explore autogynephilia kink play. We are listing as many ways as we can find, for your reference, but obviously before embarking on any extreme, painful or permanent pursuits, educate yourself and consult with a doctor.

Some of these ways to play with autogynephilia are also used by people with transformation kinks.

15 Ways to Explore Autogynephilia

1. Fantasy and Visualization

The most widespread way we all explore our various kinks, desires, and dreams is through private (or shared with our partners) sexual fantasies where we imagine the scenarios that we find erotic and thrilling.

Read: What Are My Kinks? 13 Ways to Find Your Kink

2. Crossdressing

The word transvestite was used for a long time to mean a man who dressed as a woman for a sexual kick. He was not considered transgender or female because it was clear he was wearing the clothes for erotic purposes. He did this privately or went out in public as an exhibitionist.

Many women participate in their male partner’s crossdressing and enjoy his enjoyment, or permit him to make use of her clothes when she is not present for his own titillation.

You can explore crossdressing by wearing your lover’s panties under your clothes at work, trying on her bra or slip and masturbating in the mirror, or donning women’s clothes head to toe with wig, nylons, gloves, pumps—the whole nine yards.

Men with autogynephilia and a foot fetish sometimes enjoy just wearing women’s shoes.

Read: Crossdressing & Pegging Fantasies: 4 Kinky Confessions

3. Feminine and Sensual Environments

Surround yourself by your idea of femininity. For many, this means bubble bath, flowers, candles, rich and sweet perfumes, champagne. Exploring more sensual and softer surroundings can be an easy respite from harsher environments like concrete, noise, and speed.

4. Erotica

Another easy way to indulge your autogynephilia kink is to read or write erotic stories on the theme. There are lots of them on autogynephilia fetish sites, on general erotica sites, and on fetish boards.

5. Autogenyphilia Porn

You can enjoy autogynephilia porn of many flavors, from hardcore BDSM, femdom and sissification, dollification, bimbofication, and crossdressing.

Read: 20 Types of BDSM Porn You Didn’t Know Existed

6. Gender Swap Role Play

Body swapping fetishists use gender swap role play to experience transformation and people who enjoy autogynephilia can play this way too.

Read: Gender Play: 12 Gender Bending Kinks and Fetishes

7. Transformation Role Play

There are a million ways to explore autogynephilia through role play. Roleplaying can involve cosplay or crossdressing. You can play all of your favorite beauty queens, powerful rulers, artists, movie stars, and celebrities.

Roleplaying Marilyn Monroe and other icons is fun because there is a whole industry that makes her clothes, hair, and accessories available. You can play other female roles such as nurse, housewife, CEO, Tinkerbell, Goldilocks, Baba Yaga, Mother, and Isis.

Read: Sexy Transformation Roleplay Ideas

8. Prosthetic Breasts and Pussy

Try on silicone models of breasts, buttocks, and genitalia. These prosthetics are sometimes medical grade for surgery patients or they can be cheap and cheerful props for dress up.

9. Sissy Play

Some men who enjoy autogynephilia also enjoy sissy play. Not all kinky people who explore sissy play or sissification are autogynephiles. Some are very submissive and want to be dominated by a femdom or they are into humiliation in a BDSM context.

However, for autogynephilia, one way to explore it is through total submission to a femdom who dresses you up in little girl clothes and emasculates you.

Read: Sissy Kink Explained: 10 Types of BDSM Sissies

10. Bimbofication

Bimbofication is a fetish driven by the desire to turn from an intelligent, accomplished, and autonomous to superficial, vacuous, sexually compliant. 

Read: An Introduction to the Bimbofication Fetish

11. Dollification

People who enjoy dollification can enjoy it from an autogynephilia perspective, because this kink means they are transformed into a female doll. This kink is also part of transformation kinks or fetishes that explore statues, dolls, and mannequins.

Read: Doll Fetish and the Dollification Kink

12. Erotic Hypnosis

Erotic hypnosis is one way of really getting into the autogynephilia fantasy. In erotic hypnosis, you listen to a recording or to a lover while in a state of deep relaxation, with an open and willing mindset. The idea is that you will be hypnotized so that the erotic fantasy feels more real.

Many kinds of erotic hypnosis are about the idea of transformation, and they help the user get into the mindset of what becoming that particular persona would entail. In this case, it would be about becoming a woman.

Read: Hypno Fetish: 9 Types of Hypnosis Kinks

13. Hormone Therapy

Using female hormones will soften your body, reduce body hair, make you grow breasts, and make you feel more feminine.

They will also cause you to gain weight, develop health complications, have severe mood swings, and kill your sex drive and the functioning of your cock. You can’t take hormones for the afternoon, so to speak.

Some men with autogynephilia take female hormones, but most never do. Make sure you fully understand everything that this entails, rather than being guided by your fantasy about taking them.

Read: Impossible Kinks and Fantasy Fetishes

14. Poise and Deportment Classes

This is a great way of “method acting” in a sense—really get into character and enjoy the way it feels to move your body in a more feminine way and to have feminine mannerisms and body posturing.

15. Extreme Body Modification

Before you consider extreme body modifications, please educate yourself thoroughly on what those things will and will not achieve, and all the side effects that go with them.

Autogynephilia and transgenderism are two different things, and some men with autogynephilia have made big mistakes in thinking that removing their genitals would give them their fantasy. However it can be very painful and is not psychologically satisfying. There are many trans people who also stay intact because of the complications.

However, some men with autogynephilia, or who are just into hardcore BDSM and body modification, change various parts of their bodies surgically. Some people have a castration fetish, separate from or with autogynephilia. Don’t try this at home!

Read: BDSM Branding and Body Modification Kinks

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