5 DIY Bondage Scenes with Household Items

Looking for some quick and dirty DIY bondage ideas to try at home?

Let’s face it. The type of bondage you see in porn is way too elaborate for the average guy looking to add a little bondage play into his routine. A lot of the time, sex is spontaneous and doesn’t occur in places we call home. And even if we are in our dens, we don’t always have the time for complex set-ups.

Sometimes we may be looking for bondage light using household items, which allows for more in-the-moment playfulness.

It can sometimes be enough to have just her hands tied behind her back or her eyes blindfolded and nothing else. Simplicity can be amazing. Less can be more! And even if you glean your ideas from this article, you’ll look spontaneous.

Read: Bondage for Beginners: How to Get Started

Spontaneous DIY Bondage Ideas

Let’s look at everyday scenarios where you can quickly incorporate bondage with homemade bondage restraints.

1. The Ties that Bind

You’ve just got in the door from work. Whip your tie off and either blindfold, gag, tie up or spank your lover. Your belt will work just as well for all of the above, so maybe you want to think about multitasking and use your necktie as well.

Read: Chair Bondage Ideas and Positions

BDSM couple playing with DIY bondage at home.

2. Need a Boost?

You and your lover have driven separately to a rendezvous point for adventurous car sex. Chances are one of you has jumper cables, right? Perfect for bondage and even a little nipple or ball clamping.

Ya, I know I said bondage light, but how can you resist? While you’re at it, how about those bungee cords in your trunk? Pretty handy.

3. Bathroom Bondage

You brush up accidentally against your lover in the bathroom and all of a sudden it’s on – right then and there. Time to think on your feet!

Grab the hair dryer and it’s long curly cord (for the love of god make sure it’s unplugged) and tie up her ankles or hands. Voila!

Read: Bondage Positions and Techniques to Try

4. Stocking Stuffer

Say you’re having sex outside, or again in a car, or at your office, or even just at home. If the lady involved is wearing stockings, tear those things off and you’ve got ample material to tie you or her up on the spot. Even leggings would suffice.

A woman's nylons make for excellent DIY bondage in a pinch.

5. Cookin’ in the Kitchen

You’ve just finished an amazing dinner at home with your partner. You’re wrapping leftovers with cling wrap when it hits you – you need to thank her for such a delicious dinner with some delicious play.

Read: 7 Kitchen Kinks for Hungry Lovers

Next thing you know, she’s bound with plastic wrap and your conveniently located fridge has provided a tray full of frosty ice cubes for sensory play! And the knives are close by for some careful knife play. Excellent. Those chopsticks? Why yes, with 2 elastics they’d would make a perfect nipple clamp. Ah the kitchen – such bounty!

Want more bondage ideas? Read Bondage Roleplay Ideas and Scenarios.

Got any DIY bondage tips for quick fun at home? What did we miss?

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