Weird Kinks: 27 of the Weirdest Fetishes and Kinks

You may feel alone in your kink because others or yourself consider it weird, but weird and wild fetishes are everywhere!

27 of the Weirdest Kinks and Fetishes

1. Ghost Kink

Some people have a thing for the things that go bump in the night. It’s called spectrophilia, or phasmophilia, when someone experiences sexual attraction to ghosts.

A kink for ghosts may seem like one of the weirdest fetishes out there, when you look closer at folklore and legends about spirits, the stories often have a sexual or seductive element. Perhaps the appeal is in the idea that love never dies?

Read: Ghost Fetish: Spectrophilia and Ghost Sex

2. Objectophilia

Objectophiles experience sexual attraction, as well as emotional connection, to specific objects. You may have read accounts about this weird kink, where people fall in love with bridges, towers, vacuum cleaners, pizza, or a roller coaster. There have even been weddings and divorces!

The interesting thing about objectophilia is that quite frequently, it’s not any old vacuum that turns up the temperature. Objectophiles feel a deep connection with their object of affection: another similar version does nothing for them.

3. Egg-Laying Kink

The weird fetish for egg-laying is sometimes called the oviposition kink. Even stranger, the special dildo designed to penetrate you and deposit slimy eggs inside of you is meant to replicate the experience of being impregnated by an alien.

Practitioners of this weird kink get off on the feeling of the egg being planted inside of them, and then melting and running out of their bodies later. Perhaps it is not that weird a kink after all when we look closer. Isn’t the whole idea of sex kind of about laying eggs?

Read: Alien Sex: Exophilia Kinks that are Out of This World

4. Plushie Kink

Another weird fetish is plushophilia, for those who really, really, love their stuffed animals! Plushies or furries are people who enjoy collecting, connecting, and dressing up as favorite plush characters or toys. A small percentage of them feel sexual attraction to plush toys.

Furry fandom fucking or other sexual acts are known as “yiffing” in the community. Some plushophiles alter their stuffed animals with a hole for penetration or with a dildo. Others are content with snuggling and rubbing.

5. Dacryphilia

How’s this for a weird kink? Oh, for crying out loud, some people experience sexual arousal when they see or hear someone crying!

Read: Dacryphilia: All About the Crying Kink

6. Nose Fetish

Nasophilia exists. It’s a form of partialism, or a fetish for a particular body part. While not as common as some of the more obvious body parts like breasts or feet, any part of the body can ignite sexual arousal.

7. Vore Kink

Perhaps the weirdest fetishes are those that are impossible, or impossible to survive. Vore is the name of the weird kink where you get off on the idea that someone is eating you or consuming you. We often think metaphorically about sex in terms of “being devoured.” This fetish means taking that literally.

Read: What Is Vore? The Consuming Fetish of Vorarephilia

8. Dendrophilia

Some tree huggers take it a bit further, and have feelings of sexual attraction to trees.

9. Fog Fetish

Nebulophilia is when people feel sexual arousal from scenes of fog. Gives another perspective to the thought of coming through the clouds…

Read: Weather Fetishes and Related Kinks

10. Ruined Orgasm Kink

For most of us, orgasm is the goal, or at least one of them, when it comes to sex. For those with this weird fetish, the goal is ruined orgasms. It’s usually part of BDSM humiliation and domination games, and the appeal is being at the mercy of your dominant.

11. Castration Kink

Is this the weirdest fetish? You can do it once, and then it’s done. Most people with a castration kink use fantasy and porn to keep the flame alive, but some have a deep desire to see it through.

The castration kink might be part of femdom and emasculation fantasies, part of transformation kinks, part of masochism or humiliation fetishes, or it might be part of a desire to be nonbinary, genderless, or asexual.

Read: All About Castration Fetish and Fantasy

12. Armpit Fetish

An armpit fetish seems like a weird kink, but it’s a hidden, orifice-like place with intense pheromones and hormones in its scent.

Many people report that they love the armpit scent of their lover, even while everyone else’s is unpleasant. Some people with an armpit fetish feel the same way that foot fetishists feel about feet, however, they would rather fuck the armpit than anywhere else.

13. Eyeball Licking Kink

Oculolinctus is also called “worming” and is basically licking someone’s eyeball with the tongue. Various English media outlets reported that it was the latest kinky fad in Japan, and a band in Japan used it in a scene in one of their videos. The whole thing, however, was a hoax!

Licking someone’s eyeball introduces all kinds of bacteria from the tongue onto the eye. It can cause conjunctivitis, corneal damage, and blindness. There probably are a few people out there who have this weird kink, because someone, somewhere, has a thing, whatever that thing is.

Read: Eye Fetish: 8 Eyeball Kinks that Actually Exist

14. Amputee Fetish

A really weird fetish is acrotomophilia, where people experience a strong sexual attraction to people who have limb amputations. An even weirder fetish, people who have a strong sexual desire to amputate their limbs and live as amputees. This may seem a bit far-fetched, but many people have, successfully or otherwise, amputated their own limbs or found someone to do it for them.

Not everyone who wants to lose a leg is in for the hot thrill—there is a condition where some have a strange dysphoria that they are missing a leg or arm, but that limb is really there. It isn’t a well understood condition but has something to do with the way the brain maps the body. For some, that feeling is sexual.

Acrotomophilia, on the other hand, doesn’t necessarily want to create an amputation: it is simply a state of feeling attraction and arousal when people have suffered an amputation already.

Read: Amputee Fetish Facts

15. Tail Fetish

Tails are indeed rather fetching, aren’t they? Foxy ladies, Playboy bunnies, and pony tails—ooh la la! This weird kink might be part of puppy play, kitten play, pony play, or furry cosplay. But it’s aesthetic as well as stimulating to very sensitive nerves: many tails are worn by inserting one side into your ass.

Read: Tail Fetish: Human Vestigiality Kink

16. Human Furniture Kink

This weird kink is a kind of BDSM, a form of humiliation or depersonalization or complete objectification. Basically, someone transforms themselves through psychological or physical bondage into a table, chair, or other piece of human furniture.

17. Formicophilia

One of the weirdest fetishes is also surprisingly common. If you’ve ever dreamed of sliding your dick into a buzzing bucket of insects or worms, or unleashing a sack load of ants onto your naked body, you’re not alone.

Read: Formicophilia: Insect Fetishes and Bug Kinks

18. Stuttering Kink

You might stutter when asked to pronounce this weird kink: psellismophilia. Some people experience strong sexual sensations when another person has a stutter.

19. Sneezing Kink

It’s not that weird a fetish when you think about orgasm, which is oddly pleasurable and relieving. A sneeze triggers sexual excitement in some people—their own, or the sneezes of others.

Read: Sneeze Fetish: FAQ

20. Tickle Fetish

Tickling is a barrel of laughs, and it is also a legit form of torture. Poking the body in rhythmic strokes on sensitive areas like the feet and sides causes involuntary convulsions and laughter. A person loses control when they are tickled.

Knismolagnia can be fun at first, and then turns into torment, even though a person is laughing maniacally. Some people experience a rush of adrenaline and sexual excitement from this weird kink.

Read: Tickle Fetish and Sexual Tickling Games

21. Vomit Fetish

Vomit as a weird fetish may never come up in your kinky connections except as a non-negotiable. But all bodily fluids and body functions are exciting to some. The sounds of retching and convulsing and the resulting heap of steaming leftovers really does do it for some people.

Read: 15 Hygrophilia Kinks: Fetish for Bodily Fluids

22. Omorashi

Omorashi is a fetish for watching people wet their pants or skirts. It’s a bit voyeuristic, a bit golden showery, a bit of humiliation.

23. Balloon Kink

Most people with a balloon kink or fetish—looners—don’t understand why they get hard and wet from the blowing process, watching someone blow balloons, the gunshot pop when they break, or from the rubber material itself.

Read: Balloon Fetish for Looners

24. Clown Fetish

For some, clowns are the most terrifying thing. For others, clowns are the sexiest creatures on earth. Sometimes the terror is part of the clown fetish.

25. Cake Sitting Kink

Watching a lovely dressed or naked woman plop herself down on a nice cake is a huge turn on for some people. Something for everyone!

Read: My Kinky Cake-Sitting, Face-Sitting Experience

26. Macrophilia

This is one of those weird fetishes that you can’t really have outside of fantasy and porn. The idea of someone becoming a giant, or the idea of a giant woman crushing you with her stiletto or hand, is a surprisingly common kink. You can find macrophilia in graphic erotica, vintage monster movies, and fantasy porn.

27. Disaster Fetish

A lot of fetishes are also strong interests or hobbies that aren’t sexual: almost everyone is compelled by disaster.

We read the news, gawk at car crashes, pump our friends for the latest gossip. This connects us, warns us, and bolsters our adrenaline. It’s no wonder that some of us feel sexual excitement in the moment, and it’s called symphorophilia.

Do you have a fetish that some may consider weird? Dare to share!

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